Materials science exploring large scale facilities

Presentation and objectives

This program is based on international partnerships developed in close symbiosis with partner universities, industry and research centers. The program delivers 120 ECTS credits. It represents R&D in functional materials for energy storage and conversion, catalysis and thin films. It offers excellent scientific and industrial career opportunities for Master's students in an international environment, while all courses are taught in English. It strongly favors industrial partners for access to cutting-edge materials characterization backed by large-scale neutron and synchrotron radiation instruments.

Courses on this pathway are currently integrated into the Erasmus Mundus MaMaSELF master's program, and students can also apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

The curriculum is a multidisciplinary approach, covering a broad and in-depth training in materials science, physics-chemistry / chemistry-physics. Students are introduced to various synthesis methods, structural characterization and X-ray refinements, electron microscopy and neutron diffraction methods including magnetic structures, complemented by the study of interfaces, defect thermodynamics and catalysis. Another important part of the curriculum is an introduction to theoretical aspects, i.e. courses aimed at introducing the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and simulation methods, complemented by the electronic properties of solids. Two research internships of 3 and 5/6 months complement the teaching activities and familiarize students with applied and fundamental research activities.


Internships in research laboratories are an important part of the training program. A 3-month internship in a research group takes place in the 2nd semester, while the entire 4th semester is devoted to the Master's internship. The Master's internship can be carried out in a university laboratory, industry or research organization (e.g. large instruments) in France, or in partner organizations in Japan, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, India, Brazil, the USA or Russia.


  • Target group: Students with a bachelor's degree in chemistry / physics / materials science or similar.
  • Necessary prerequisites: Standard knowledge of a bachelor's degree in chemistry / physics / materials science / for crystallography and quantum mechanics: the concepts covered start from the basics.
  • Recommended prerequisites: Standard knowledge of a bachelor's degree in chemistry / physics / materials science / for courses in crystallography and quantum mechanics: the concepts covered start from the basics.

Further studies

  • In France: Around 80% of our students continue their studies with a thesis and 20% enter industry.
  • Abroad: Thanks to the structure of the Master's program, our students have many opportunities to pursue a doctorate abroad.

Professional integration

Generally speaking, all students find a thesis or industrial contract before finishing their Master's degree, or within a few months of completing it.

Industrial applications: design and implementation of new advanced materials such as batteries, ceramics, plastics, glass, biomaterials, metals and alloys, semiconductors, dielectrics, materials for optics and electronics in R&D research institutes; characterization of materials using large-instrument facilities such as synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering; research activities requiring fundamental knowledge of solid state physics and chemistry. Projects requiring knowledge of material properties such as physical measurements, structure and spectroscopy; targeted technology watch.