Separative chemistry, materials and processes
This pathway provides training in the concepts and tools used in solution chemistry, extraction and separation chemistry, elaboration and materials and process science, as part of research and development activities, particularly in connection with the nuclear fuel cycle and the recycling of strategic metals.
You'll be trained for jobs in industry and research in the fields of separative chemistry, materials and processes, particularly in the nuclear sector (fuel cycle, reactor operation, radiation protection and safety, waste management, decontamination and dismantling) or in the recycling of strategic metals (extractive and separative chemistry, reprocessing).
The course content is integrated over the two years, with a progressive acquisition of knowledge in the various disciplines and a precise chronological sequence of teaching units, enabling a high level of specialized and multidisciplinary teaching. The aim is to acquire scientific and technical knowledge, as well as working methods and communication tools.
Know-how and skills
On completion of this course, you will have the scientific and technical skills to :
- Recognize the challenges associated with the upstream fuel cycle, in particular those relating to extractive and separative chemistry, ore processing and remediation of mined and/or polluted sites.
- Be familiar with the various legislation governing the nuclear sector in terms of radiation protection, control, safety and waste management.
- Understand the chemical properties of radioelements and radionuclides, and the scaling factors associated with trace elements (indicator chemistry and environmental chemistry).
- Be able to use simple models to evaluate the performance of a strategic metal separation process
- Understand the life cycle of a material in terms of its intended properties and conditions of use.
- Mastering scientific and technical communication tools
At the end of this training program, you will have disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in: radiochemistry, radioelement analysis, the fuel cycle, reprocessing, extraction and separation processes for strategic metals, waste storage and disposal management, materials chemistry (elaboration, structure, properties), fuel materials and waste containment matrices, nuclear safety and radiation protection, clean-up and dismantling of nuclear facilities, and remediation of polluted soils.
The Master's program is divided into 4 semesters of 30 ECTS each, in accordance with the European system. Each teaching unit is subject to assessment: either in the form of a final written examination, or in the form of continuous assessment, or in the form of a written summary and an oral presentation for certain professionally-oriented teaching units. These teaching units can be offset against each other. A semester average of 10/20 or higher is required for validation. Semesters cannot be offset against each other.
Internships and tutored projects
- M1 - Semester 1: Professional projects - Project follow-up (8 ECTS)
- M1 - Semester 2: Communication and professional integration (2 ECTS)
- M1 - Semester 2: 2-4 month internship in a laboratory or company, preceded by a bibliographical report (10 ECTS)
- M2 - Semester 3: Project management - Corporate law - Innovation and intellectual property (4 ECTS)
- M2 - Semester 4: Bibliographic project / Scientific information (3 ECTS)
- M2 - Semester 4: 4-6 month internship in a laboratory or company (25 ECTS)
- Target group for access to M1: selection based on portfolio; holder of a bachelor's degree in chemistry, physical chemistry, process engineering or equivalent; validation of prior experience by a jury for other scientific bachelor's degrees.
- Target group for access to M2: selection based on portfolio; holders of a Master 1 in chemistry, physical chemistry, process engineering or equivalent; validation of prior experience by a jury for other scientific Master's degrees.
- Prerequisites: Chemistry or physical chemistry skills
- Recommended prerequisites: Competence in solution chemistry and materials chemistry; fluency in French is an additional advantage for foreign students.
Further studies
- Further studies in France: Doctoral thesis or Master's degree to acquire dual skills
- Further studies abroad: Doctoral thesis
- Passerelles : admission by application to Master 2 for candidates with a Master 1 degree in chemistry or equivalent.
- Reorientation : reorientation possible at the end of the Master 1 year
Professional integration
The business sectors are: nuclear chemistry (upstream and downstream of the fuel cycle, waste management, decontamination and dismantling operations); extractive and separative chemistry, chemistry for the reprocessing and recycling of strategic metals; energy, environment, chemistry; materials chemistry and process chemistry. The types of jobs available are :
- Chemical engineer, materials chemist or process chemist in charge of production, analysis, quality control or project management
- R&D engineer in a design office or in the nuclear, recycling or environmental industries
- Researcher / R&D or research engineer (after a doctorate, for which this course provides preparation): conduct scientific studies and set up technological projects.